From the Rector
Ascribe to the LORD the glory due his Name;
worship the LORD in the beauty of holiness. –Psalm 29
During a conversation about the shape and content of the worship here at St. Thomas, I was recently asked by someone, “Why do we need to be so wedded to a formal liturgy in our services?” This, of course, is a perfectly valid question. In many Christian churches, creative and new forms of worship, are not only allowed but encouraged. I know many clergy, outside of the Episcopal Church, who spend much of their time shaping the liturgy of their congregation – choosing scripture to be read and writing prayers and responses to be used at worship. This allows for a worship service that uniquely suits the needs and culture of a particular congregation. I admire my clergy colleagues who tirelessly compose liturgies week after week. I couldn’t do it, myself. However, I would argue, preparing services in this way can potentially hold the congregation captive to the clergy person’s particular agenda, aesthetic values, and preferences. Worship ought to be directed toward God and not the clergy or anyone else’s ego. And the danger of any one individual creating a liturgy is that worship might reflect the pastor’s agenda rather than the faith of the Church.
Liturgy, coming from the Greek leitourgia, means the work of the people – not just a few people with collars and Masters of Divinity degrees but the whole people of God. In the Episcopal and Anglican tradition, it is not for one person, or even a small group of people, to determine the shape and content of worship but the whole community. When we pray from the Book of Common Prayer, whether it be at Holy Eucharist, or Morning and Evening Prayer, we pray with the whole church gathered throughout the country and the world. As one people gathered, we hear the same lessons from Scripture and pray the same Psalms and prayers. And despite the multitude of perspectives and shades of nuance, all of us stand together and pray the words of the same Creed as one family.
Episcopalians are a people of common prayer. Individual Episcopalians may differ on a whole range of things. Some may identify as Evangelicals or even as Anglo-Catholics, while others consider themselves “Broad Church” or Liberal. Some may appreciate contemporary Christian music while others prefer traditional hymnody. Some Episcopalians may be quite conservative and others might identify as progressive. The Episcopal Church is a big tent, but we are all called to be one family that prays together.
The Book of Common Prayer, which has slowly taken shape over centuries of experience and prayer, provides the framework for our common life of worship. That’s why all of our services must be expressions of the liturgies contained in that little black book that sits in your pew. While the style and atmosphere of worship differs between our three services, the form and content remains the same. We are one St. Thomas Church that is part of one Episcopal Church. When we gather to worship, we gather not as an island unto itself but as part of a larger continent. When we humbly submit to the patterns of our common prayer, we boldly proclaim our unity as one people gathered in Christ’s name.
Whether the service is a lay led Evening or Morning Prayer or a Holy Eucharist at which I preside, the prayers that we offer to God at public worship, bring honor and glory to God and can, if our hearts and minds are disposed, open us to the transforming power of God’s grace offered to us through Jesus Christ. The liturgy is not about us or what we can receive from it but rather how we can offer ourselves, as the Book of Common Prayer puts it, as “reasonable, holy, and living, sacrifices” unto God. I, for one, am grateful for a prayer book and a tradition that always puts God first and calls us to worship Him and only Him.
Dave Radzik+
Socrates Café
by Clint Anderson
Do you enjoy lively and insightful discussions about philosophy and life? If you do, please come join us for Socrates Cafe, which meets at St. Thomas on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month at 7:00 in the meeting room in Harkess Hall. We pick a question ahead of time from many submitted by attendees and have no problem discussing it for about an hour and a half at each meeting. Here are a few recent topics:
- “What does a ‘search for self’ mean? Is it relevant?”
- “Are we truly responsible for our actions and thoughts?”
- “Is life a struggle? Is it worth it?”
- “Is hope rational?”
- “is violence a part of being human, or do we have a choice?”
It’s amazing the wide varieties of thoughts and viewpoints we always get on questions such as these! If this sounds interesting to you, please come and give Socrates Cafe a try! We are an official member of a worldwide Socrates Cafe network of more than 600 groups. If you have any questions, please email Clint Anderson.
Wednesday Evening Bible Study
The Wednesday Evening Bible Study will be meeting at the home of Linda Kinsey until further notice. Please call the church office for more information.
Feast Day Services
by Fr. Dave Radzik
Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight and the sin that clings so closely, and let us run with perseverance the race that is set before us – Hebrews 12:1
As Christians we believe in the Communion of Saints – that is, we believe that all those who have died to themselves in the waters of baptism, are united together as one body in Christ. Indeed, we believe that Christians both living and dead are forever united in this body. On November 1st (or, in our case, the closest Sunday to it) we celebrate the Feast of All Saints in remembrance of all those saints who have gone before us, especially those saints whose witness and example have inspired us on our pilgrimage.
Likewise, our Anglican/Episcopal tradition sets aside special days during the year where we remember the lives of particular saints whose examples of holiness and perseverance inspire us as we seek to follow the path Jesus has trod for us.
These feast days are typically set on the dates traditionally associated with their death or martyrdom and are, in a sense, celebrations of their heavenly birthdays. The Christian Year as laid out in our Book of Common Prayer sets aside many such feast days for Biblical saints such as the apostles, the evangelists (authors of the Gospels), and several commemorating events in the life of Jesus or St Mary the Virgin. There is great value in marking these feasts, or holidays, within the life of our parish church as it gives us time to reflect on how we too are called to be saints in the 21st century.
We will be observing the major feast days found in the Book of Common Prayer with at least a simple said Holy Eucharist at 6:00 PM on the day of the feast. I hope you will join us in marking these holy days with us as they are a wonderful opportunity for us to grow together in holiness together. The following is a list of the upcoming dates:
- Thursday, May 10 – Ascension
- Thursday, May 31st, – The Visitation of the Blessed Virgin
- Monday, June 11th – St. Barnabas, Apostle
- Monday, June 25th – the Nativity of St. John the Baptist
- Friday, June 29th – St. Peter and Paul, Apostles
- Monday, July 23rd – St. Mary Magdalene
- Monday, July 25th – St. James, Apostle
- Monday, August 6th – The Transfiguration
- Wednesday, August 15th – St. Mary the Virgin (the Dormition)
- Friday, August 24th – St. Bartholomew, Apostle
- Friday, September 14th – the Exaltation of the Holy Cross
- Friday, September 21st – St. Matthew, Evangelist
- Thursday, October 18th – St. Luke, Evangelist
- Tuesday, October 23rd – St. James of Jerusalem
- Monday, October 29th Sts Simon and Jude, Apostles
Agape Meal
by Anita Cooper
The word Agape is one of the Greek words for love. The sort of unconditional, selfless love that we seek to live out in the pattern of Christ. This feast is a time of fellowship around a table spread with a simple meal. There were 40 who attended this year’s feast.
A big thank you to our shoppers, Carl Scheu and Rosalie Ferline. Also thank you to our wonderful sous chefs that helped in the kitchen, Etta Scheu, Peggy Cramer and Joe Ferline.
Church Photographers
by Church-Growth Committee
Would you be willing to take some pictures at church events so they can be posted on our bulletin board to show all the great things that are happening at St. Thomas? We would love to have photos posted from events like the Vets’ Meet & Greet, All-Church potluck dinners, picnics, events like the Victorian Tea, the Medieval Feast, STAR, the upcoming clambake, Trunk-or-Treat, and many other events. If this is a special talent you have, please contact Clint Anderson to let us know of your willingness to help make the bulletin board a great picture of what goes on at St. Thomas!
July/August 2018 Wayfarer
by Ginny Kubiak
Articles for the July/August issue of the Wayfarer are due by June 20, 2018. Please forward articles to the church e-mail address.
Photos are always welcome!!! Please submit your photos of St. Thomas events to the above e-mail address for publication.
Thank you in advance for promptly sending your articles and observing the submission due date.
Prayer Group
by Clint Anderson
We meet every Monday at 7:00 in the Church Office to study God’s Word and to join together in prayer and praise. We just finished a long-term study on the Gospel of Luke. We are now beginning a study of the book of Esther. We invite you to join with us to pray for the world, our country, the Church, and our family and friends; and to learn from the Scriptures. If you have prayer requests or questions about the Prayer Group, please contact Clint Anderson .
Los Amigos Episcopales
by Ruth ihde
As you well know, Los Amigos is a charitable 501(c)(3) organization in the Episcopal Diocese of Ohio which provides schools for needy children in El Salvador. We are closely tied to the Diocese of El Salvador, have entertained their bishop here recently, and we are the sole support of one of the schools there (La Davina Providencia in El Maizal, El Salvador).
We are always looking for new members. Please do join us, usually on the second Friday of the month at 6:30 pm. The May meeting will be on May 11, at St. Matthew’s Church, 9549 Highland Dr., Brecksville. See you there!
Welcome Table
by Clint Anderson
The Church-Growth Committee sponsors the Welcome Table in the church hallway near the Sanctuary, to welcome all visitors to St. Thomas. We do our best to staff the table after each worship service, to greet visitors and to share some gifts with them.
We need your help! It involves getting to the table just before people come out from worship, and staying there for about 10-15 minutes to welcome new people. If you could do one or more Sundays, please sign up on the sheet on the office window. Thanks!
Outreach Committee
by Ruth Ihde
The committee is busy on plans for activities this year:
Our Veterans’ Meet and Greet lunches are now an important mission of St. Thomas Church, attracting an ever-increasing number of veterans, as well as many new volunteers. The camaraderie among attendees is heart-warming to observe, and we see new people every month. If you are a veteran or the spouse of a veteran, please join us as we celebrate a patriotic, picnic lunch on Friday, May 25 at 11:00. The speaker will be The Rev. Willie Springer, and the subject will be “Berea Veterans’ Outreach”. If you would like to volunteer with this venture, please phone Ruth Ihde (440-572-9425) or Clint Anderson (216-235-4796). Please check out the sign-up sheet for desserts on the office window. We want to thank all those who have donated desserts and other food items every month for over two years now. Also many thanks to the volunteers who regularly work during the lunch on everything from cooking to clean-up to decorating and much more. We and the veterans really appreciate your effort.
Under the concept that outreach is also stewardship of God’s creation, in April the Outreach Committee watched an environmental movie “Cowspiracy”. This film details the tremendous greenhouse effect of agriculture and cattle-raising in this country and the world over. If you would like to view this movie, it is free on Netflix, and well worth your time.
In an effort to address the oceans of plastic bags now cluttering the earth, the Outreach Committee is investigating the possibility of selling durable, recyclable grocery bags. Stay tuned for more information.
by Clint Anderson
The Church-Growth Committee invites all St. Thomas members and friends to join us for an All-Church Potluck on Memorial Day, from 2:00 till 5:00. We will have a patriotic theme and will extend a special invitation to all of our friends from the monthly Veterans’ Meet & Greet. This would be a great opportunity to meet some of our beloved veterans and spouses!
More information will be forthcoming in the church bulletins. A sign-up sheet is on the office window. We hope you will be able to join us for this celebration!
More information will be upcoming on these events in the Wayfarer and bulletins.
by Fr. David Radzik
The Rite of Reception into the Episcopal Church is intended for folks who have been confirmed in another Christian tradition such as the Lutheran Church, the Roman Catholic Church, Eastern Orthodoxy, or other churches that also practice Confirmation.
Reception into the Episcopal Church does not mean you are walking away from the tradition in which you were raised, rather, it means you’re deciding to live out your faith among us in the Episcopal Church.
Both Confirmation and Reception are ways in which we say, “The Episcopal Church Welcomes You.” If you have not yet been Confirmed or formally received into the Episcopal Church and would like to, please contact Father Dave before May 31, to give us time to schedule a preparatory meeting for those interested.
This is an incredible opportunity to deepen our faith and to live into our calling as Episcopal members of the Jesus Movement.
Youth Mission Trip
by Katrina Scheu
My first time at Lotts Creek was a great experience. I loved meeting new people in the area and experiencing the culture. I helped out at the school cleaning lockers for multiple days as well as cleaning the bathrooms and I also helped clean windows and weeding. Getting to help out was a very fulfilling experience and I am very glad I went. Helping out a community in need and getting the feeling for how they live, as well as learning the history was great. I can’t wait to go help out again this year.
Lotts Creek Community School: A Painful Time
At the end of July 2017, two weeks before the school year started, a member of maintenance noticed a problem with the ceiling of the auditorium and cafeteria. Ms. Whitaker immediately contacted the architect and contractor to inspect the problem.
After further inspection, it was determined the roof was unstable due to contractor error when the school was built in 1998.
During this short period of time, prior to the opening day of school, Ms. Whitaker and the Knott County Board of Education scrambled to find a solution so that the children could start the school year.
At this time, an approved contractor was hired to install steel beams and to shore up the roof so that it was stable and safe. Contractors also installed walls and sealed off the damaged area of the building to eliminate any the risk of any students, faculty, or staff being in harm’s way.
Upon completion of the stabilization, a state approved architect, engineer, health inspector, and a Kentucky Fire Marshall thoroughly inspected the building and deemed the school to be safe for use because the auditorium is independent of the two wings of the school that houses classrooms.
In December 2017, the Kentucky Department of Education commissioner sent a letter to the school demanding further shoring to be added to the roof — despite its having been deemed safe in all prior inspections.
To summarize, the Kentucky Department of Education and Knott County Board of Education have placed unrealistic demands on the school and are trying to close the Lotts Creek Community School.
A detailed and dated overview of all that has occurred at the school is posted on the St. Thomas bulletin board, if you would like to read further about the battles the school is facing.
At this time, they are grateful and thankful for the many friends and donors who are assisting in raising $30,000 needed for repairs, attorney fees and other costs.
If you would like to help the Lotts Creek Community school, please contact:
Alice Whitaker, Director at [email protected] or (606) 233-0626.
ECW Distribution of Funds
by Etta Scheu
The ECW will meet in the chapel on Saturday, May 19, 2018 from 10 am until 11 am for the distribution of funds earned during the past year. Funds will be distributed to organizations throughout the community, dioceses, country and world.
If you have an organization of interest, please write a note to the ECW Board stating the following: 1. name of organization, 2. purpose of organization, 3. reason for the request, 4. amount of request.
The deadline to submit a request is May 12.
All requests must be submitted in writing to the ECW Board and can be put in the ECW mailbox in the office or given to ECW President Etta Scheu.
If you have any questions, please email Etta at [email protected]. All requests are welcomed and hope to be accepted, depending on available funds.
Landscaping & Lawn Mowing
by Anita Cooper
Being truly hopeful that spring is right around the corner, brings the reality that mowing, and garden season are also right around the corner.
We once again need volunteers! I am hopeful that those ministries and individuals that took on the task of watching over areas of the garden will return this year, along with some new faces!!!
We also need volunteers for mowing the yard. The map of the garden areas and a sign-up sheet for mowing are posted on the office window. If you have any questions, please contact Anita Cooper at 330-635-3752.
Greeter Ministry
by Rosaline Ferline
I would like to welcome Shalyn & Aubrey Horning to our Greeter Ministry! Greeting is such an important part of our worship service. We are the person you first encounter as you enter St. Thomas. So, if you have a smile and a prayer to offer on a Sunday from 10:00 am till10:45 am, please contact Rosalie Ferline at 216-401-0729 or [email protected]. Our rotating schedule means you greet about once every 6 weeks; our fall schedule will begin in September.
Foodbank Mobile Pantry
by Bev Smith
St. Thomas is back to Mobile Pantry business of providing free produce and bread/pastry to any of our surrounding communities where people need our assistance.
We serve one of the highest category of needy on the southwest side of Cleveland. It’s our job to be non-discriminatory, helpful and prompt. We run this mobile pantry the first Thursday of each month from June to November in our parking lot.
Customers register by computer inside and then go in groups of five down the line to take what they need and we even can help them get their groceries to their cars. We need all the help we can get from about 1:30 to 4:00 p.m. and we also need you to save plastic bags for us as we sometimes have to break-down large amounts for single person usage.
The food is provided by the Greater Cleveland Food Bank which delivers about 12,000 lbs of produce each month. Berea Kiwanis provides some needed help but we can use more…kids included.
We mourn our backup coordinator since Linda Short’s death in January and look for anybody willing to fill her shoes. We also miss Phyllis Abbot who was a whiz at packaging loose fruit into bags. We distributed about 75K lbs of produce last year and are anticipating the same this year. Our reward is a smile and a thank-you.
Free Fresh Produce
St. Thomas Episcopal Church (Parking Lot)
50 East Bagley Rd
When: 1st Thursday of each month
Time: 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Rain or shine!
2018 Dates:
Thursday, June 7
Thursday, July 5
Thursday, August 2
Thursday, September 6
Thursday, October 4
Thursday, November 1
Grindstone Parade
In conjunction with the All-American picnic and water distribution, the vestry is considering having a unit in the parade. The date for these festivities is July 3rd. We are looking for individuals that would be interested in participating in the parade and walking the parade route. If you love to walk and would be interested in spreading the news of St. Thomas, please do so by adding your name to the sign-up sheet on the office window. This will help make the decision to be part of the parade. The deadline to sign-up is May 13, so a decision can be made at the next vestry meeting.
I Remember Mama
By Rosaline Ferline & Dolly Doyle
Let us gather in Room #2 of Harkess Hall from 2:00 pm until 3:30 pm on Saturday, May 5. Led by Rosalie & Dolly; appetizers, coffee, tea & Kleenex provided. A sign-up sheet is on the office wall.
This is a time to share our memories, whether good memories or not so good memories, our hearts have a void, which will never be filled by their loss to us. If your mother crossed a day ago or 70 years ago her memory lives on. Let us share laughter & tears with one another. We are family, in the name of our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ! Ps.147: He heals the broken hearts & binds their wounds.
Southern Tea
By Rosaline Ferline & Dolly Doyle
Thanks to everyone who donated their time, treasures and support to make our Devonshire Tea a continued success.
Since we had only one seating for the Devonshire tea we will have a trial Tea. This tea will be named:
Miss Julia’s Southern Tea
August 11, 2018
1:00 p.m. until ?
This will be limited to the first 48 Ladies to reserve their seat. Your help will be needed if this is to be a success.
No place settings will be required as we will use the church’s clear plates & water glasses. Servers will be needed, so don your fanciest southern hat & parasol to help this be the first of many ‘Southern Teas’ to come.
Summer Feeding Program
St. Thomas is planning to participate again in the Summer lunch distribution program sponsored by Berea-area churches.
We have chosen the week of June 25 – June 29 to participate and Laura Gaba has graciously accepted to head up our week to pack and distribute the lunches.
We are waiting for additional information and confirmation from the Berea Area Ministerial Group. Once we know more we will let the parish know all the details.
Please keep this week open, if you are able to help out. More details to be provided!
Fifty-Year Member Recognition
Did you join St. Thomas in 1968 or prior? We will recognize all our 50-year and plus members during services July 14 & 15.
Please call Ginny, in the church office, at 440-234-5241 to add your name to the list or drop us an e-mail at [email protected].
Bishop’s Annual Appeal
The Bishop’s Appeal is an annual effort through which all congregations in the Diocese of Ohio can support in shared ministries. The appeal allocates fund in three general areas:
- Grants through Episcopal Community Services to parishes actively engaged in community outreach ministries.
- Youth and young adult leadership formation through camp, mission and intern experiences.
- Formational support for seminarians and newly ordained clergy.
- Donation materials are located on the information table in the entryway. You may give online at: www.dohio.org/give-now or you can mail your gift to:
Bishop’s Annual Appeal
Episcopal Diocese of Ohio
2230 Euclid Avenue
Cleveland OH 44115-2499
Attention Graduates!
On Sunday, June 3, at the 10:00 am service, we will recognize and have a special blessing for all of our graduates and those who have achieved awards this past year.
If you would like to be recognized, please call or email the church office to add your name to our list of honorees. Please contact the church office no later than May 25 to add your name.
Emergency Contacts
From time to time, there is a situation when church pastors are helped by having a connection to an emergency contact person for a church member.
If this is information you would like to share with us, we invite you to complete an emergency contact form. Blank cards are available on the information table in the entryway or you may contact our Parish Administrator, Ginny Kubiak and she can send out a card for you to complete and return.
The information submitted would be held in confidence. It will remain in a secure and safe location and will only be used in an emergency when it is not possible to communicate with you directly.
We make this invitation to you as an extension of our pastoral care ministry here at St. Thomas Church. If you have questions or would like more information, please feel free to call the office at 440-234-5241 or email at c[email protected].
All American Picnic
Tuesday, July 3, 2018
5:00 pm
Parking Lot of St. Thomas
Tim & Anita Cooper would like to invite everyone in the parish to join together for a good ole fashioned cook out. We will fire up the grill at 5 pm; the hot dogs and fixings will be supplied. Please bring a dish to share and join in the fun and fellowship.
After the cookout, we will distribute bottled water and greet the participants in the Berea Grindstone Parade, which kicks off at 6 pm.
Let’s come together to show the community of Berea the heart of St. Thomas. (Please note: If we decide to participate in the parade, our cookout will begin at 4:00 pm.)
If you can attend, please add your name to the sign-up sheet.
(If the city of Berea cancels the parade due to weather, we will also cancel the picnic. If it rains and the parade is still scheduled, we will move our picnic into Harkess Hall.)
Attention All Military Veterans (spouses welcome)
You are invited to
St. Thomas Episcopal Church
50 E. Bagley Rd., Berea, OH 44017
For a
Friday, May 25, 2018
11:00 am at St. Thomas Church
50 East Bagley Rd, Berea
Please join us for an informal get-together, and a
(Hot dogs, beans, potato salad, desserts)
Speaker: Chaplain Willie Springer, Coordinator
Berea Office of Veterans Outreach
We’d like to get to know area veterans better and express our thanks to you for your service to our country.
No obligation or commitment is required. Our goal is just to meet with local veterans for friendship, connection and conversation.
We typically have a gathering on the last Friday of each month.
For more information contact:
Clint Anderson at [email protected] or
St. Thomas office at [email protected] or 440-234-5241
Our building and facilities are handicap accessible.
Memorial Day Potluck
Monday, May 28, 2018
2:00 pm until 5:00 pm
BYOB (coffee, tea and water provided)
The St. Thomas Church-Growth Committee invites the whole of St. Thomas along with our area Military Veterans and their spouses to a potluck picnic.
Please bring your favorite dish to share.
Join us as we share a meal and we remember and honor those who laid down their lives for our freedom.
Please add your name to the sign-up sheet, if you can attend. Or you may call or email the church office at:
[email protected]
Sponsored by the Church-Growth Committee