The Wayfarer Header

From the Rector

Cross in black with palm
And pray to God to have mercy upon us
And pray that I may forget
These matters that with myself I too much discuss
Too much explain
Because I do not hope to turn again
Let these words answer
For what is done, not to be done again
May the judgement not be too heavy upon us

Because these wings are no longer wings to fly
But merely vans to beat the air
The air which is now thoroughly small and dry
Smaller and dryer than the will
Teach us to care and not to care Teach us to sit still.

(Ash-Wednesday, T.S. Eliot)

Lent, or Quadragesima, is the forty days ahead of the celebration of Easter and is first and foremost a time of preparation. In the earliest years of the Church, it was a time when candidates preparing for Holy Baptism entered the last stage of their formation ahead of the Easter Vigil which including fasting and intensified prayer and devotion. Now, of course, we closely associate Lent as a time that we “give things up” in order to honor God and, perhaps, unite our personal sacrifice was Jesus’ own sacrifice. While fasting and “giving things up” is doubtless a commendable practice when seen as part of our preparation for Easter, I want suggest that we think of Lent as an opportunity for renewing our relationship with God and reclaiming our identity as baptized Christians.

As Christians, we believe Baptism marks our turning away from sin and death and toward Chris. In Baptism, we turn away from “Satan and all the spiritual forces of wickedness” (the Book of Common Prayer, p. 302) and all those things that have damaged our relationship with God. Baptism, you see, means repentance as much as it means rebirth. When we remember of baptism, we reclaim our identity as people who have turned away from sin and toward God. Lent is an opportunity for us to more fully live into that identity. In Lent, as in Baptism, we “do not hope to turn again” back to those things which separate us from God but to grow in faith and love.

This Lent, we at St. Thomas will be journeying alongside the brothers of the Society of John Evangelist (SSJE) with their study “Signs of Life: Why Church Matters” as we seek to renew our relationship with God as well as with each other as a parish church. During the last few seasons of Lent, we have read a devotional book and have met during the week for discussion and prayer, however, this year we are doing something different. This study, which is designed to be used individually and in the context of community, will be available online for the entire parish to use on daily basis at home at one’s own pace. This study incorporates short readings and a brief video for each week during Lent as well as calendar of suggested Lenten practices and devotions.  A devotional booklet as well as the printed calendar will available in the Narthex before and after services.  In order to sign up for the online content, including the video presentations, please go to Likewise, there will be two opportunities every week to participate in in-person reflection the video and readings. Every Monday during Lent, we will gather between 12:10 PM and 1:10 PM to pray Noonday Prayer, view that week’s video, and join in conversation. Likewise, in lieu of a sermon at our Saturday evening service, we will view the video and engage in a brief conversation about theme of the week. I hope you will join us as we deepen our relationship with God and one another this Lent.

In Christ,

Dave Radzik+

Celebrate the feastObserving the Feast Days

Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight and the sin that clings so closely, and let us run with perseverance the race that is set before us – Hebrews 12:1

We will observe the major feast days found in the Book of Common Prayer with at least a simple said Holy Eucharist at 12:00PM on the day of the feast, unless the Feast day falls on Saturday.  When a Feast day falls on a Saturday, we will use the readings for that Feast day during the 5:30 pm Contemporary Eucharist. I hope you will join in marking these Holy days with us as they are a wonderful opportunity to grow together in holiness.

2020 Feast Day Schedule

  • Monday, February 24 -St. Matthias, the Apostle
  • Thursday, March 19 – St. Joseph
  • Wednesday, March 25 – The Annunciation
  • Saturday, April 25 – St. Mark
  • Thursday, May 21- The Ascension (Sung Mass at 7:00 pm)
  • Monday June 1 – The Visitation of the BVM
  • Thursday June 11 – St. Barnabas
  • Wednesday, June 24- Nativity of John the Baptist
  • Monday, June 29 – Saints Peter and Paul

Los Amigos Episcopales

by Ruth Ihde

Los Amigos GiftsPlease join us for the February meeting at St. Matthew’s Church, Brecksville on February 21 at 6:00 pm. We are now concerned with Salvadorans illegally entering the county and having problems once they get here. Our speaker at the February meeting will be the Rev. Aaron Gerlach of Trinity Church, Tiffin, who has led workshops on immigration.

Los Amigos has received many wonderful gifts lately, and we have been able to purchase the following items especially for the school of La Divina Providencia in El Salvador:

  • 10 Computers
  • 10 Computer desks
  • 10 Voltage regulators
  • 1 Printer

Our March meeting date is Friday, March 13 at St. Matthew’s.

Newsletter Header

May/June/July 2020 Wayfarer

by Michelle Killin-Keith

Articles for the next issue of the Wayfarer are due by May 17 2020. Please forward articles to the church e-mail address at:  [email protected].

Photos are always welcome!!! Please submit your photos of St. Thomas events to the above e-mail address for publication.

Thank you in advance for promptly sending your articles and observing the submission due date.

Youth Mission Trip

Lotts Creek Mission Trip

Submitted by Alyse Hancock-Phillips

Last year on our annual mission trip to Lotts Creek, Kentucky we had a fantastic time! We got to clean the community school such as cleaning the bathrooms, classrooms, hallways, library, and so much more. We also went into the community to help clean and rebuild the residents’ homes. We are so excited to announce that this year the mission trip date is June 19-26, 2020. We are all getting ready for this thrilling trip! If anyone is interested or has any questions please contact Bart Hancock  or Alyse Hancock-Phillips .  Thank you for all your support in the past, present, and future!

Liturgical Ministers for Holy Week and Easter Services

Readers, Chalice Bearers and Ushers are all needed for the Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday, and 7 am Easter Day services. Readers and Cross bearers are also needed for the Stations of the Cross.


Socrates’ Café will begin meeting the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 1:00 pm-2:30 pm.

Additionally, The Prayer Group will be taking a break and “regrouping” with new dates and times to come.

Blessing of the Chalk


On Epiphany Monday, January 6, Fr. Dave celebrated the Epiphany Blessing of the Chalk.  “Chalking the door” is a way to celebrate and literally mark the occasion of the Epiphany and God’s blessing of our lives and home.  With time the chalk will fade.  As it does, we let the meaning of the symbols written sink into the depths of our heart and be manifest in our words and actions the Latin words, Christus mansionem benedictat, “May Christ bless the house.”

Bags containing chalk, the prayers and the history are still available in the Church Office.

Annual Meeting

Thank you to all the parish members who attended the Annual Meeting on January 26.  The meeting was very informative, with many relevant topics discussed.

We want to thank our out-going Vestry member, Anita Cooper for her time and dedication.  We also want to welcome our new Vestry member, Barb Pertz. Additionally thank you to Carl Scheu and Peggy Zambounis for renewing their  commitment to this ministry.

Additional copies of the Annual Meeting report are available in the church office.  Please contact our Parish Administrator, Michelle, if you would like a copy.

Free Trumpet ConcertTrumpet

Theresa May’s Annual Trumpet Recital will take place at 2:00 pm on Saturday, March 7th here at St. Thomas.

The recital will be comprised of students from Academy Music, Shaker Heights Schools, Olmsted Falls Middle School and Olmsted Falls High School.

All students are accompanied by Megan Denman on piano. The hour-long recital will begin promptly at 2:00 pm with a small reception to follow. Admission is free!

Easter FlowersEaster Flowers

We are now taking orders for the Easter flowers that will enhance our church during the Easter season.  It is a perfect time to remember parents and family members or to honor special people in your life with your donation.

Forms are on the literature table in the entrance hall. The cost is $25 and payment is due with order.  The deadline for placing your order is April 5. Please contact the church office if you have any questions.

2020 Vestry

Position Name Term
Senior Warden Peggy Zambounis 12/31/2022
Junior Warden Bill Kerbusch 12/31/2021
Treasurer Bruce McLaughlin
Clerk Sue Griffith 12/31/2020
Members: Jane Boomer 12/31/2021
Patricia Carmichael 12/31/2021
Barbara Pertz 12/31/2022
David Frazier 12/31/2020
Tim Gilles 12/31/2020
Carl Scheu 12/31/2022

Easter FlowersEaster Flowers

We are now taking orders for the Easter flowers that will enhance our church during the Easter season.  It is a perfect time to remember parents and family members or to honor special people in your life with your donation.

Forms are on the literature table in the entrance hall. The cost is $25 and payment is due with order.  The deadline for placing your order is April 5. Please contact the church office if you have any questions.

Daylight savings time - ForwardTime Change

Daylight-Savings Time begins at 2:00 am on Sunday, March 8 2020. Don’t forget to turn your clocks ahead 1 hour.

It’s also time to check your fire extinguishers, and replace the batteries in your smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors. Stay safe!

Easter EggsEaster Egg Hunt

Our annual Easter egg hunt will once again take place after the 10:30 am service on Easter Sunday, April 12.

All children of the parish are invited to attend this fun event.  Many thanks to Michelle Lawson-Brown for heading up our hunt again!

We have plenty of empty eggs to fill, so we are asking parish members to please consider donating a bag of candy, individually wrapped packages or pieces please, nothing loose.

A donation tub will be set out in the hallway the beginning of April.  Thank you for your help!


By Ruth Ihde

Outreach Committee –Our next committee meeting will be on Monday, March 9 at 3:00pm., and we need all the ideas we can muster.  Please join us – we need YOU.

We are happy that the Veterans’ Meet and Greet project is growing nicely.  The Friday, February 28 menu will feature breaded cod, scalloped potatoes, coleslaw, cupcakes, and beverages.  If you can donate cupcakes, please sign up on the form on the office window.  There will be no specific program, except for casual conversation.  If you are a veteran or the spouse of a veteran, please join us for these Meet and Greet lunches, usually on the last Friday of the month beginning at 11:00 with a hearty lunch served from 11:30 till noon.  The program usually follows the lunch.

For our March 27 veterans’ lunch we will serve pizza (four varieties), salad, Klondike bars, and beverages.  The program will be a “Community Engagement Program” by the Berea Police.

Climate Change Project – Members of the Outreach Committee would like to start a program to combat climate change.  Do you want to be a part of a group whose goal is to address this most pressing problem of our planet?  Please give your name to Ruth Ihde (440-572-9425) so that we can get this project on the road.  Thank you

Called to ServeAnother Lotts Creek Opportunity

(should the other date not work for you!)

Summer 2020 (June 6th – June 13th) Mission Trip. Youth in grades 6 – 12 in the 2019 – 2020 school year are invited to join us in a Multi Parish Mission Trip to Lotts Creek in Hazard, Kentucky. As a response to inaccessibility of learning settings, Lotts Creek Community School (LCCS) was founded in 1933 by Alice H. Slone. LCCS began as a residential settlement school. The school’s first classes were conducted in a location provided by the Masonic Junior Lodge. In 1952 a three-story classroom building was constructed. A gymnasium was added in 1967 and the present modern school building opened in 1998. The new school building was entirely funded by private donations.

Lotts Creek Community School is the last of nearly one hundred “settlement schools” built in the Appalachian Mountains in the early part of the century. These schools were created to provide much needed education where it was unavailable. These settlement schools provided education as well as social services for the region. Today, Lotts Creek is the only school still operating in this manner.

Our total cost for the trip will be $360 to cover food, transportation, a T-shirt and our day off excursion.  All your youth’s and chaperone’s paperwork must be completed and turned into Mary Anthony, Director of Religious Education & Youth Director at St. Paul’s, 317 East Liberty St., Medina, OH 44256 no later than Monday, March 16, 2020.

Paperwork is available at St. Thomas in the church office.

music notesAnother Great S.T.A.R. Event

In both January and February S.T.A.R. events were well attended, seeing upwards of 100 folks. These events are so valued by our community. The relationships being formed between our    attendees, musical talent, and the volunteer hosts are priceless.  We would like to thank everyone involved in making this such a success. Also thank you to the Diocese for a grant to help fund all that we are able to provide.Concert in the church