Second Week of Lent
March 8, 2020

Welcome Visitors!
If you are new to St. Thomas, we want to extend a special welcome to you, and an invitation to stop at our Welcome Center table in the hallway after the service. We want to greet you and share some special gifts with you. We are glad to have you with us, and we trust you will return. God bless!
March Outreach
This month, the Outreach Committee will be collecting Toilette Paper and Diapers to donate to Church Street Ministries and Socks for the Veterans. Please place donations in the appropriate collection bins in the hallway.
OUTREACH COMMITTEE MEETING – The Outreach Committee has agreed to meet on the second Monday of the month at 3:00 pm. There will be a very important meeting on March 9th at 3:00 pm. We always welcome new members, so do join our group.
VETERANS’ MEET and GREET – If you are a veteran or the spouse of a veteran please join us Friday, March 27 at 11 am. We are serving Four kinds of Pizza, with salad, dessert, and beverages. The March program is Community Engagement by Berea Police Department.
Society of Mary – A local Society of Mary group is gathering. We’ve decided that the third Tuesday of each month at 6:30pm will be the meeting time. Please join us on Tuesday, March 17, 2020. For more information please contact Fr. Radzik
Rector’s Forum – Our study of Scott Gunn and Melody Shobe’s Walk in Love which began on October 6th, continues every Sunday morning at 9:15 am. No preparation is needed ahead of each session since we are reading it together. Please consider making this formation opportunity a regular part of your Sunday morning experience. *Rule of Life will not replace this study.
STAR Concert and Luncheon – Our next concert is on Wednesday, April 1, 2020 at 12:15 pm.
Youth Mi-Bro-Be – Middleburg, Brookpark, and Berea Area Youth. All are welcome. Event at the United Methodist Church of Berea on March 22, 2020 5-6:30 pm.
HAPPENING 2020 – March 13-15, 2020 at Bellwether Farm. Happening is a wonderful gathering of fun, fellowship, and sharing, offering a glimpse of God’s love. It is designed to deepen one’s faith and provide an opportunity for youth in grades 9-12 to discover Christ within themselves, as well learn what it means to be a Christian in today’s world. A flyer is posted on the bulletin board with more details. Please talk with Fr. Dave if you are interested in attending.
WINTER JAM 2020 will be held at the Wolstein Center, Cleveland, Ohio on Sunday, March 29, 2020. Don’t miss an incredible night of live concerts plus worship and ministry to encourage believers and share the gospel.
Summer Camp at Bellwether Farm – Bellwether Farm summer camp is an opportunity for campers to immerse themselves in fun, engaging outdoor activities. These programs will seek to teach healthy social, nutritional, and environmental practices, while providing a safe context in which to encounter God’s beautiful creation. Campers will have an opportunity to learn about organic gardening, animal care, and creative cooking. They will also participate in traditional camp activities, including swimming, canoeing, arts and crafts, fishing, and field games. The Bellwether Farm staff is invested in the life of every camper, seeking to inspire future generations to become passionate leaders in the world around them. Registration is now open. Register by March 15 and enter promo code WORM to receive $25 off.
Wayfarer Publication – The publication is available online and outside the church office.
Lent Study – This Lent, we at St. Thomas will be journeying alongside the brothers of the Society of John Evangelist (SSJE) with their study “Signs of Life: Why Church Matters” as we seek to renew our relationship with God as well as with each other as a parish church. During the last few seasons of Lent, we have read a devotional book and have met during the week for discussion and prayer, however, this year we are doing something different. This study, which is designed to be used individually and in the context of community, will be available online for the entire parish to use on daily basis at home at one’s own pace. This study incorporates short readings and a brief video for each week during Lent as well as calendar of suggested Lenten practices and devotions. A devotional booklet as well as the printed calendar will available in the Narthex before and after services. In order to sign up for the online content, including the video presentations, please go to Likewise, there will be two opportunities every week to participate in in-person reflection the video and readings. Every Monday during Lent, we will gather between 12:10 PM and 1:10 PM to pray Noonday Prayer, view that week’s video, and join in conversation. Likewise, in lieu of a sermon at our Saturday evening service, we will view the video and engage in a brief conversation about theme of the week. I hope you will join us as we deepen our relationship with God and one another this Lent.
Stations of the Cross – Stations of the Cross will be held each Friday at Noon during the month of March.
Bible Study – Wednesday Night Bible Study would like to update the parish. They will begin meeting in Rm #2 here at St. Thomas for the month of March 7:30 pm-9 pm.
PRAYER GROUP TO RESUME WEEKLY MEETINGS – Starting tomorrow, March 2, 2020, our St. Thomas Prayer Group will return to regular meetings, but they will be during the day, rather than at night. We will meet at 1:30 pm on Monday’s following the 12:10 pm Lenten Study. We would encourage everyone to attend the Lenten Study and then stay for the Prayer Group. New people are welcome to join us for the Prayer Group! After Lent, we will continue to meet on Monday afternoons. Please contact Clint Anderson with any questions.
SOCRATES’ CAFÉ – The group will begin meeting the 3rd Tuesday of each month from 1 pm-2:30pm. The next date is March 17, 2020. See you then.
CHURCH CLEAN-UP – Please join us on Saturday, March 21, 2020 from 10 am to 2 pm. We will engage in fellowship all while dusting, sweeping and deep cleaning the church. Please bring your own supplies so there are enough implements to keep everyone busy. A Sign-Up sheet is on the office windows. ~Thank You!
AGAPE MEAL – Thank you! We have found a group to organize this meal. Now we just need your help sponsoring the evening, Thursday, April 9, 2020 Please consider helping with a financial contribution. Let us know if you plan to attend. A sign-up sheet is located outside the church office. If you have any questions, please email Patty Zambounis.
SPAMALOT – The St. Thomas ECW has purchased tickets for the musical comedy “Spamalot” at the Greenbrier Cassidy Theater in Parma Heights for Friday, June 12, at 8:00 pm. Cost is $15 for seniors (age 65+), $15 for all students, and $20 general admission. To purchase, please see Ellen Herron in Harkess Hall after the 10:30 service on March 15 and 22; after the 8:00 service on March 22, and prior to the 5:30 service on March 28. Checks should be made payable to St. Thomas ECW. This event is open to everyone!
CPR & FIRST AID – Interested in a CPR and First Aid class? Stay tuned as we are working on a “free” class for St. Thomas parishioners.